This page last changed on Feb 22, 2005 by nmallick.

MKS Source Integrity Example

For MKS Source Integrity you must specify the executable, user, password, hostname, sandboxroot and sandboxfile. You may also specify the port.

<sourceControl type=""mks"">

Configuration Elements:

Node Description Type Default Required
executable The local path for the MKS source integrity command-line client (eg. c:\Mks\bin\si.exe) string "si.exe" true
username MKS Source Integrity user ID that CCNet should use string N/A true
password Password for the MKS Source Integrity user ID string N/A true
hostname The IP address or machine name of the MKS Source Integrity server. string N/A true
port The port on the MKS Source Integrity server to connect to. integer 8722 false
sandboxroot The local path MKS Source Integrity sandbox root corresponds to string N/A true
sandboxfile The project file string N/A true
autoGetSource Instruct CCNet whether or not you want it to automatically retrieve the latest source from the repository. bool false false

This addresses JIRA Issue # 222.
Document generated by Confluence on Jun 26, 2005 17:22